Dementia Interpreters

Learn the lanauge of dementia

Dementia Dictionary and Interpreters

About the Course

People living with dementia face changes and challenges in communication as the disease progresses. it can be common that the person loses the ability to speak as they would before the disease. When this happens the brain seeks new ways to communicate. This might be through actions, noises, behaviours and body language, This can be called the language of dementia. A dementia interpreter is someone who helps translate the actions, noises, behaviours and body language into an understandable and recognised language.

When you become a dementia interpreter you do not try to translate alone. You will join a global network of other interpreters who share what they’ve learntand their experiences to help translate the language of dementia. By collectively sharing this vital knowledge we can help re-connect with the individuals you support.

Course Content

Half day: 3 Hours up to 12 people

  1. Connection to emotions
  2. Understanding Aphasia
  3. Communication
  4. Practical barriers to communication
  5. Explore the Dementia Dictionary

2024 Training with HartWebsite by WiSS