Child Sexual Exploitation

In the UK alone, it is estimated there are 80,000 people who present a sexual threat to children online.

About the Course

Training with Hart’s CSE Awareness course is aimed at all staff who work with young people. Child sexual exploitation is occurring at alarming levels across the UK. This course looks at what CSE is and the signs and indicators when this abuse is occurring. We will explore the impact of CSE on the young person and their life as well as analyse who is most at risk and the significance of social media. There will be an overview of legislation connected to CSE and staff responsibilities.

We will review what staff must do if CSE is suspected/occurring.

Course Content

  1. What is Child Sexual Exploitation
  2. Importance of staff awareness
  3. Signs and indicators of a child being exploited
  4. How young people become involved/at risk
  5. Myths and stereotypes connected with CSE
  6. Different types of CSE, including online vulnerabilities and grooming
  7. Links between abuse, current behaviour, and vulnerability of CSE
  8. Staff responsibilities and reporting concerns.

2025 Training with HartWebsite by WiSS